
Life Update

A life update post sharing recent events, projects, and personal goals. Learn about my university studies, personal projects, books, and games.

Life Update

Welp, it’s been a while since I last posted here, and I thought it was about time for a little life update. A lot has happened in the past month, and I wanted to share some of the highlights with you.


I am currently in my first year of university, and am studying MIS (Management Information Systems) on Technical University of Liberec. Yeah, I am an economy major, but I am also a programmer, so I decided to go for MIS. It has been about two weeks since the semester started, and some of the subjects are beyond easy for me, like Basics of Programming (last lecture was about bits and bytes, I mean come on). I guess as most of the other students are from economy fields, they are struggling with it, but I am not complaining. But some other subjects are supposed to be hard, like Microeconomics, from what I have heard, in the first term only 26% of students pass the exam, and on the retake only additional 18% pass. But I am not worried, I have always been good at math and economy, so I think I will be fine.

Personal life & Projects

As of late, I have sadly not been able to work on my projects as much as I would like. Between university, studying, and other commitments, I have had to put some of my personal projects on hold. However, I am planning to get back to them soon, as I have some exciting ideas that I can’t wait to explore. I still have my gamified journaling project in the works, and one new idea that I am really excited about is a online exam system that evaluates the answers (for open ended questions) using AI. I created a simple prototype for it, where you can input a question, an answer and maximum points, and it will evaluate the answer and give you the points. I am planning on expanding this project and making it more user-friendly and robust.

On a personal note, I have been trying to maintain a healthy work-life balance, which can be challenging at times. I have been going to the gym regularly (6-7 days a week), which has been a great way to stay active and clear my mind. Currently I am on a bulk, so I am eating a lot (3500-4000 kcal a day) and I am seeing some great progress, and have gained about 2 kg in the past 3 weeks. I am planning on bulking for about 2 more months (or until I reach 90 kg, currently I sit at 85 kg) and then I will start cutting.

Books & Games

I have been reading a lot lately, mostly self-development books, as I am trying to improve myself and my life. Some of the books I have read (or re-read) recently include:

  • “Atomic Habits” by James Clear: This book explores the power of small habits and how they can lead to significant changes in your life. It offers practical strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones.
  • “Deep Work” by Cal Newport: This book explores the concept of deep work and how it can lead to increased productivity and focus. It offers strategies for minimizing distractions and maximizing your cognitive abilities.

As for games, I have not had much time to play lately, which is a shame. And even when I do have some free time, I usually spend it on coding or reading, as most of the times I do not feel like playing games, even though I have a lot of games in my backlog. But I am planning on playing some games soon, as I have been missing the experience of getting lost in a good story or exploring a new world.


That’s about it for now. I hope you enjoyed this little update on my life and projects. I am excited to see what the future holds and to share more of my journey with you.


P.S. I am still working on the post about spins, I have not forgotten about it, I just have not had the time to finish it. But I am planning on finishing it soon, so stay tuned!

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